2011年3月12日 星期六

《 山水 // Mountains & Waters 》

《山水 // Mountains & Waters》
Looking for landscape in the city...

1963年出生於北京, 長期生活在南方。1986年加盟「南方藝術家沙龍」,開始從事行為藝術的創作。1987年赴日。1989年天安門事件後,參加民運。作品主題產生重大變化。多反映戰爭、屠殺及人對人的迫害,及對東方文化作反省和禮贊。創作系列作品包括《山海經》、《偽自由書》、《朝花夕拾》、《新華字典》等。同時也採詩、版畫、裝置等作為創作載體。2002年回國,開始了旅行創作和策劃展覽的工作。近年參與展覽包括:從五四到六四、六月聯合、第五屆大道國際行爲藝術節、長野國際現代藝術節、10年回歸前後話、第二回大東亞共榮軒亞洲國際行爲藝術節等,並為「香港作動--香港行為藝術計劃」(2005-)策展人之一。

Born in Beijing, and currently based in Hong Kong. He started doing performance art after joining the "Southern Artists Salon" in 1986. He went to Japan in 1987, and after the Tiananmen Incident in 1989, he participated in democratic movement which has brought about a great influence on the theme of his works. By using media such as poetry, printmaking and installation, his body of work reflects on the oppression forced by wars, massacres and people, as well as examines oriental culture in a ritual way. He moved back to Hong Kong in 2002 and started to create works during travelling and to curate festivals and exhibitions.

